Comedy Central renews “Broad City”

“Broad City,” a series created by and starring Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer, has been renewed by Comedy Central for a second season. Executive producer Amy Poehler announced the news on Seth Meyers’ “Late Night” premiere Monday night.

The show chronicles the lives of two young, single, cash-challenged gals trying to make it (or survive, more accurately) in New York City. Think “Girls,” with more laughs and less self-analysis and belly shirts.

The idea for the show came from a sketch Jacobson and Glazer, two Jewish girls from the suburbs (Wayne, Pennsylvania and Long Island, respectively), came up with for New York’s Upright Citizens Brigade. The idea morphed into a popular web series which ultimately got noticed by Poehler.

So where does “Broad City” fall on the Jew-o-meter? We’ll let the experts weigh in.

“The show is super Jewish, but in that new tacit, casual way that’s more Andy Samberg and less Adam Sandler,” says Stephanie Butnick from Tablet. It’s not New Girl’s Schmidt dropping lines about his bar mitzvah and seeking his rabbi out as a therapist when the show’s plot stalls. They’re just Jewish (on the show and in real life, duh), and it plays into their act as much as any other of their characteristics (young women, broke, middling bucket drummers) do.”

Season one features guest stars like Rachel Dratch, Amy Sedaris, Janeane Garofalo, plus Fred Armisen as a guy who answers the girls’ Craigslist ad, reading  “We’re just 2 Jewesses tryin’ to make a buck.” In order to raise funds for weed and Lil Wayne concert tickets, they accept his offer to clean his apartment in their underwear. That should give you a taste of what you’re in for, so if it’s your thing, join the 1 million viewers who, per The Hollywood Reporter, have enjoyed “Broad City” since its Jan. 22 premiere.

Or, at  the very least, test the waters with a clip, like this one. It’s called “Garbage Bagels.” Yum.

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Jana Banin is the blogger for 6 Degrees No Bacon.