ChaiLights calendar: Oct. 9-26

Starting Saturday, Oct. 11

NJT presents ‘Diary of Anne Frank’

See related story

Sunday, Oct. 12

Steak & Scotch in the Sukkah 

Kol Rinah welcomes the community to fulfill the mitzvah of enjoying a meal in the sukkah. Guests will be treated to a scotch tasting and kosher steaks (salmon and vegetarian options available) at 6:30 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Kol Rinah Men’s Club. The fee is $25 per person; RSVP by Oct. 5 to Kol Rinah at 314-727-1747 or [email protected]. Kol Rinah is located at 829 N. Hanley Road. For more information visit

NHBZ holds KidZone Sukkot Celebration and Grillin’ in the Hut

Spend an autumn afternoon with your child at Irv Zeid Park at 4 p.m., next to Nusach Hari B’nai Zion, (if it rains, come to NHBZ instead of the park) and then head to NHBZ’s sukkah to enjoy “Grillin’ in the Hut” from 5 to 7 p.m.  An $8 plate includes either a quarter-pound burger or chili dog with French fries, coleslaw, dessert and a drink. No RSVPs required. For more information, email Cheryl Ring at [email protected] or call NHBZ’s office at 314-991-2100, ext. 2.

Aish Sukkot celebration

Aish HaTorah will hold a Sukkot celebration from noon to 2 p.m., featuring music, lulav shaking, pizza lunch, ice cream sundaes and a balloon artist. The event takes place at the Aish Firehouse, 457 N. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield. RSVP to 314-862-2474 or [email protected]. Activities and dessert are free. Pizza lunch costs $7 per adult, $4 per child. 

Organic potluck dinner for Sukkot

The Jewish Community Relations Council’s Jewish Environmental Initiative (JEI) and the Jewish Community Center’s Garden of Eden will hold an organic potluck dinner to celebrate Sukkot at 6 p.m. at the JCC’s Early Childhood Center playground area on the Staenberg Family Complex, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. Bring a vegetarian dish that includes some local or organic ingredients and share a meal in the sukkah. Free, but RSVPs required by Oct. 8 to [email protected] or 314-442-3894. Indicate the type of dish you are bringing when you RSVP.

Crown Center trip to Sukkah City and pizza party

At 11:30 a.m. celebrate Sukkot with a tour of “Sukkah City STL 2014: Between Absence and Presence” presented by St. Louis Hillel and the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University. This display is a reimagination of the sukkah, an ancient, temporary structure used by nomads and harvesters. Following the tour, enjoy a pizza lunch with Washington University students. The cost is $2 for bus fare; event is free. RSVP to 314-991-2055. 

Monday, Oct. 13 

RPI Wii Fitness at Covenant Place

RPI physical therapists lead a class designed to increase balance, core stability and overall fitness using the Wii gaming system on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. in the Milford and Lee Bohm Social Hall in Covenant House II, 8 Millstone Campus Drive. 

Presidential Film Series screening

The St. Louis NORC will present another installment of the eight-part series on the American presidency, “Hail to the Chief,” with brown bag lunch 12:30 p.m., film at 1 p.m. and discussion following, held at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building. Free and open to the community but RSVPs required to Laura at 314-442-3255. 

Monday & Tuesday, Oct. 13-14 

Nishmah fall salon planned

The Nishmah Salon series will continue with a discussion of “The Mindfulness Revolution,” from Time magazine (as well as two articles on Jewish Mindfulness). Mindfulness practice looks at how we can find peace in a stressed-out digitally dependent culture just by thinking differently. The salon is offered on several days and times. The first two are Monday, Oct. 13 in a private sukkah in Clayton at 7:30 p.m. and at United Hebrew’s sukkah at 7 p.m.  The salon is also offered on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at the Jewish Community Center (Staenberg Family Complex) sukkah at 12:30 p.m. and then at 7:30 p.m at a private home in Chesterfield. Private locations will be disclosed upon registration.  Suggested donation is $15.  Register online at or contact Director Sara Winkelman at 314-442-3268 or [email protected]

Tuesday, Oct. 14

Kol Rinah Sisterhood holds Supper in the Sukkah

The Kol Rinah Sisterhood will hold “Supper in the Sukkah,” featuring a baked potato buffet and vegetarian chili. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. following minyan services. The special guest will be Kol Rinah’s Rabbi Noah Arnow. The fee is $10 per person; RSVP by Oct. 6 to 314-727-1747 or [email protected]. For more information visit 

Info night on effort to identify Holocaust survivors living in area

Jewish community organizations are partnering on an effort to identify if St. Louis has enough Holocaust survivors to determine if the local Jewish community can become eligible to receive Claims Conference funds to help survivors in their elder years. The groups are asking for the assistance of the community to identify survivors who lived in a Nazi-occupied region during the Holocaust or who were displaced from their homes as a result of Nazi oppression between 1938 and 1945. Find more details and fill out the survey at at There will be an informational meeting at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. A Russian translator will be available.

Crown Center presents Yiddish program with Will Soll

At 3:30 p.m., scholar and klezmer musician Will Soll will give a short presentation using song, poetry and story to explore the multicultural richness of the Yiddish world. Soll recently completed an inventory of the Yiddish books at the Brodsky library. Free, but RSVP requested to 314-991-2055. Crown Center is located at 8350 Delcrest Drive.

Thursday, Oct. 16  

Yizkor Service at Covenant Place

Covenant House Tenant Council will host a Yizkor service at 10 a.m. in the Carl & Helene Mirowitz Chapel of Covenant House I.  Open to the community.

Saturday, Oct. 18 

Scholar-in-Residence at Shir Hadash

Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community invites the community to events featuring Shabbat Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Nathan Martin, Director of Student Life at Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Martin will speak during a Shabbat program beginning at 10 a.m on “Where Did the Light Go?: Genesis One” and host a discussion. A kiddush-luncheon will follow. During a Havdalah service beginning at 7 p.m Rabbi Martin will speak on “Back to the Future: Creating Healthy Communities.” Events take place at the JCC Arts and Education Building in Creve Coeur and are free and open to the community. Visit to RSVP. 

Sunday, Oct. 19

Doctor discusses ‘Gluten Truth’ at Kol Rinah

At 3 p.m. at Kol Rinah, Dr. Ken Davin Fine will present “The Gluten Truth: What Really Happened to the Bread of Life” about gluten and its effects. The physician-musician will answer questions from the audience, and will sing some of his new songs if time permits. Free and open to the community. Kol Rinah is located at 829 North Hanley Road in University City. For more information, call 314-727-1747.

B’nai B’rith Institute program on St. Louis Jewish History

B’nai B’rith Institute presents a program on St. Louis Jewish history with Bob Cohn, Tami Goldman and Diane Everman, starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center’s  Arts and Education Building, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. Dairy breakfast and lunch will be served. The cost is $25. For more information or to RSVP, contact: Diane Maier at 314-442-3190 or [email protected].

Jewish War Veterans plan fall brunch

The Jewish War Veterans Heritage Post 644 will hold a fall brunch (replacing the group’s October meeting). The kosher brunch will be held at 11 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. Ralph Pismany of the Veterans Administration will speak. Afterward, the Ladies Auxiliary of Post 644 will conduct a Bingo game. Jewish War Veterans are encouraged to wear their caps. Spouses and families of Jewish War Veterans are welcome. The cost is $7. Call Dennis Cohen, Commander, to RSVP: 636-532-7172. 

CRC, Neve Shalom rabbis among speakers at event on mental illness

Rabbi Susan Talve of Central Reform Congregation and Rabbi James Stone Goodman of Congregation Neve Shalom are among a slate of interfaith presenters at an event about spiritual support for individuals experiencing mental illness and their families. The free event, “Opening the Doors to Spirituality,” takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19 at Central Reform Congregation, 5020 Waterman Boulevard and is planned by Alliance on Mental Illness-NAMI St. Louis. To register, call NAMI St. Louis at 314-962-4670 or email [email protected]. This program is an opportunity to include spiritual support and understanding as a component of recovery for individuals and families experiencing mental illness. 

JEI community gardening event

See related news brief.

Monday, Oct. 20 

Holocaust Survivors and Descendants set October meeting 

The next meeting of Holocaust Survivors and Descendants will take place at 1 p.m. in the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building’s board room, 12 Millstone Campus Drive The group will watch “St. Louis Stories: The Jewish Americans” about Jews in the St. Louis area from the 1800s to modern times. It discusses Jewish pioneers, merchants, rabbis, religion, synagogues and much more. For more information, contact Sofia Kent at 314-878-8405 or [email protected]. For rides, call David Halpern at 314-583-6392. 

Knitting, Crafts, and More

Bring your project to work on while visiting with others during this St. Louis NORC program at 1 p.m. at The Gathering Place at the Jewish Community Center Staenberg Family Complex, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. Free and open to the community but RSVPs required to Laura at 314-442-3255. 

Discussion planned: ‘From Klinghoffer to Ferguson and Beyond’

See related news brief

Tablet tutor at Covenant Place 

Covenant Place is offering a five-week Tech Tutor course beginning Oct. 20. Seniors will be paired with community youth volunteers for one-on-one instruction on iPads/tablets or iPhones/smartphones. Participants are encouraged to bring their own tablet or smartphone. Youth volunteers are welcome to apply as well. Limited space is available. Class starts at 4 p.m. in the Covenant Place Library, lower level of Covenant House II, 8 Millstone Campus Drive. Free and open to the senior community.  To sign up, call 314-432-1610. Must register by Oct. 13.

Tuesday, Oct. 21 

Crown trip to organic farm

Crown Center for Senior Living will lead a bus trip at 9:30 a.m. to EarthDance Organic Farm, which is dedicated to preserving small farms while nurturing a community of growers and conscious consumers. The private tour is sponsored by Marilyn McGartland. There is a $2 charge for the bus ride. RSVP to 314-991-2055.  

Crown Center/CAJE series

Crown Center and Central Agency for Jewish Education present “Searching for Meaning in the Great Stories of the Jewish Tradition” at 3:30 p.m. at Crown Center, 8350 Delcrest Drive. Join Cyndee Levy, CAJE’s director of adult education, as she uncover the hidden wisdom in selected stories from the Jewish tradition — searching for meaning for today. This group will meet monthly. Free and open to the community. For more information, call 314-991-2055.

Covenant Place OASIS discussion hour

The community is invited to an OASIS discussion hour at 11 a.m. in the Friendship Room of Covenant II, lower level of 8 Millstone Campus Drive. Free and open to the community. 

Shalhevet: Women’s Kollel of St. Louis

Shalhevet, The Women’s Kollel of St. Louis, continues its meetings the first and third Tuesday night (7:30 to 9 p.m.) of each month at Bais Abraham, with 45 minutes of chevrutah (partnered) learning followed by a group shiur (class), given by Maharat Rori Picker Neiss and other learned women teachers in the community. Free and open to the community (all levels of Jewish learning are welcome), with no RSVP required. For more information, email [email protected] or 314-721-3030. Bais Abe is located at 6910 Delmar Boulevard.

Author Ted Merwin to discuss history of the Jewish deli

Professor, author and journalist Ted Merwin will discuss his forthcoming book “Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Deli” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21 at the Saul Brodsky Jewish Community Library’s Annual Lazaroff Lecture. The program will be held at the Jewish Federation Kopolow Building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. Admission is $5; free to Friends of the Library. Prior to the program, there will be an optional kosher box supper at 6 p.m. ($15 per person, includes lecture admission; or $10 for current Friends of the Library). The meal will be a choice of corned beef on rye or vegetarian wrap, plus two sides, drink and dessert. Supper reservations with payment are required no later than Oct. 20. For more information or to RSVP, call 314-442-3720 or email [email protected].  

Starting Tuesday, Oct. 21 

NHBZ adult bar/bat mitzvah program

See related news brief

Wednesday, Oct. 22

Bus tour of ‘Cakeway to the West’ 

At 1 p.m. Crown Center leads a bus tour of some of the “birthday cake” installations created by local artists, which are located around the St. Louis area, marking the city’s 250th birthday. The group will then return to Crown to decorate and enjoy cupcakes with new Crown Café Manager Jean Millner. There is a $2 cost for bus fare. RSVP to 314-991-2055.  

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group

The Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group will meet from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Adult Day Center at the JCC Staenberg Family Complex. Monthly support groups are sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association, in collaboration with the JCC, and led by a trained facilitator. Care for family members may be available but must be made by advance registration. Contact caseworker Elaine Most for more information: 314-442-3261.

Crown Center Yiddish Group

At 1:30 p.m. join Crown Center’s Yiddish Group, with residents and participants from the community, facilitated by Thelma Edelstein and David Levine. Crown Center is located at 8350 Delcrest Drive. Call 314-991-2055 for more information. 

Alzheimer’s Association event

The Jewish Community Center and the Alzheimer’s Association will hold an educational event on living with Alzheimers from 1 to 5 p.m. at the JCC Arts and Education Building. The event is designed for caregivers of individuals with moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Topics include understanding symptoms and care needs, realizing relationship changes, learning ways to maximize safety, preparation of emergencies and learning how to get respite care. Effective strategies will also be discussed regarding personal care and managing challenging behaviors. The event is free but reservations are requested (space is limited). For more information, contact Susan Kaplansky at 314-442-3148 or [email protected]

NCJW-St. Louis to celebrate 50th anniversary of Couturier Sale 

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its Couturier Sale from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Contemporary Art Museum, 3750 Washington Boulevard. Reservations are required, and tickets start at $36.  Attendees are also asked to bring a new or gently used item to donate to TheResaleShop. RSVP to 314-993-5181 or online at Well-known designers who will be represented at the event include Randi Chervitz, Lori Coulter, Michael Drummond (Project Runway), Amy Johnson (KayOss Designs), Laura Kathleen (Project Runway), Emily Koplar, Courtney Tharpe, Anjali Kamra and Everett Johnson. 

Starting Wednesday, Oct. 22

Aish crash course in Hebrew reading

Aish HaTorah will hold a five-week Hebrew reading crash course on Wednesdays from 7:45 to 9:15 p.m. at the Aish Firehouse, 457 N. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield, beginning Oct 22. The course is free but registration is required to 314-862-2474 or [email protected] 

Mussar series with Rabbi Greenwald

Aish will hold series on Mussar — an ancient practice of spiritual development — led by Rabbi Shmuel Greenwald at 8 p.m. on three Wednesdays, starting Oct. 22. The programs are based on Allan Morinis’ book “Everyday Holiness.” The class topics are (Oct 22) “You don’t have a soul, you are a soul!”; (Oct. 29) “The traits of the soul”; and (Nov. 5) “Mussar isn’t something you learn, it’s something you do.” Classes are held at the Aish Firehouse, 457 N. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield. A $5 donation per class is suggested.

Thursday, Oct. 23 

Nishmah Rosh Hodesh Circle begins

Nishmah’s monthly Rosh Hodesh women’s circle will celebrate the beginning of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan at 7:30 p.m. at a private home in University City. The drop-in group is open for all women of St. Louis, including those new to Jewish life and those with more experience. The group engages in ritual to mark the special time, learn something new, have fun and share (and there is usually some food). Come alone, bring a sister or friend and help us vision what our unique Rosh Hodesh group will look like. RSVP or just let us know if you want to be involved by contacting Sara Winkelman [email protected] or 314-442-3268.  Location will rotate homes.  Address and directions will be sent upon RSVP.

Friday, Oct. 24 

Barbara Helmer at Covenant Cabaret

Covenant Cabaret will present Barbara Helmer  at 1 p.m. in Covenant II’s Bohm Social Hall, 8 Millstone Campus Drive. Helmer, who has drawn comparisons to Rosemary Clooney, will delight the audience with her cabaret style and familiar tunes. Singing along and dancing are always encouraged. A  $1 donation is suggested. RSVP to 314-432-1610.

NORC mens’ breakfast at McDonald’s

Join the men of the St. Louis NORC for coffee and a nosh. Call Joan Hirst to RSVP and for location at 314-442-3834.

St. Louis NORC Book Group  

Love to read and discuss books? Become a member of the St. Louis NORC Book Club, which meets the third Friday of each month, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. This month’s book is “Harvard Square” by Andre Aciman. Call Joan Hirst at 314-442-3834 for meeting location.

Sunday, Oct. 26

Adventure Torah Study

The Adventure Torah Study series culminates with a family hike from 10 a.m. to noon at Laumeier Sculpture Park, 12580 Rott Road in Sunset Hills. Mirowitz leads the classes to cultivate an awareness of nature and a sharpened sense of the participant’s Jewish identity. The class includes a hike to a scenic viewpoint where the students will gather to discuss Jewish values followed by standing yoga and breathing sessions. To enroll, visit Online registration is required for this free class and must include the submission of a signed consent form. Each class has a limited enrollment of 25 students (children must be of at least elementary school age with adult supervision). Read the FAQ page to answer specific questions and, should you need to cancel for any reason, please contact [email protected] to make space available to other participants. This program is funded by a Jewish Federation grant.  

Primetime Expo for boomers, seniors

See related news brief

Starting Sunday, Oct. 26 

JCRC holds annual outerwear drive 

See related news brief


Classes at Covenant Place

The following classes are free and open to the public.  For information call 314-432-1610.  Covenant Place is located at 8 Millstone Campus Drive in Creve Coeur. Classes take place in Covenant II’s Milford & Lee Bohm Social Hall, unless noted otherwise.

New offering: A fun fitness class with RPI physical therapists using Nintendo Wii video games at 1:30 p.m. on  Mondays.  

• Yiddish Club every other Monday at 7 p.m. in the Covenant I Harmony Room.  Group facilitated by David Levine.   

• RPI physical therapists lead Tai Chi at 11:15 a.m. on Mondays, and chair aerobics exercises at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

• Chair yoga at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.

• Music therapist Troy Jones leads bell choir the second and fourth Thursday of the month. 

• Meet with AW Health Care Registered Nurse to discuss medical questions Tuesdays at 2 p.m. in the Covenant I dining room.

• The Covenant Place Chorale practices Wednesdays at 1:15 p.m. 

• Join the “Knit Wits” for a fun, interactive knitting class. The group meets Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Bring your own projects or take up one from the class.  Some materials provided. 

Yiddish Club

Congregation Shaare Emeth’s Yiddish Club explores the beauty and wisdom of the Yiddish language, literature and culture and includes personal experiences shared by members of the club. Schlep to the next meeting and kvell over the Yiddish words you recognize and enjoy, even if you don’t “speak Yiddish.” Yiddish Club is held at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of every month except holidays. All are welcome. For more information, contact Emily Thal at [email protected] or 314-692-5365

Judaism for Beginners classes at Temple Israel on Mondays

Join Rabbis Amy Feder and Michael Alper on Mondays from 10 to 11 a.m. at Temple Israel for a casual introduction to Judaism class, discussing a wide range of topics, from life cycle and holidays to theology. This class is designed for Jews of all backgrounds, for those considering conversation and those in interfaith families. Open to the community; no RSVP necessary. For more information, call 314-432-8050.